Something is...wrong...with me.
For as long as I can remember, I've always felt...empty. Incomplete.
Like a part of me is...missing.
This hollow feeling has dominated my life.
I've never been able to feel anything else.
My world has always been cold...dark...silent.
My mother was exactly like me when she was a child.
But when she met my father, everything changed for her.
He brought warmth and color and life into her world.
He made her...complete.
She told me that, one day, I'd meet someone special, just like she did.
Someone who would cure me...fix me.
I've spent my entire life waiting for that day...dreaming of the moment when I'd meet the person who would complete me.
It was the only thing for me to look forward to.
It was my only reason to live.
And day...I found him.
When I met him, something changed inside of me.
My world was filled with color and light.
It was like I had opened my eyes for the first time.
I felt warm. I felt complete. I felt...alive.
He is my escape from the cold, gray, empty world I've been trapped in.
He is the one I've been waiting for.
The person I want to spend the rest of my life with. trying to take him from me.
She wants him, but not in the same way that I want him.
She could never appreciate him the way I do.
She doesn't deserve him.
He belongs to me.
I have to stop her.
Even if it means hurting her.
Even if it means killing her.
There is nothing I won't do for him.
I won't let anyone come between us.
I don't care what I have to do.
I don't care who I have to hurt.
I don't care whose blood I have to spill.
I won't let anyone take him from me.
Nothing else matters.
No one else matters.
He. Will. Be. Mine.
He doesn't have a choice.
Info「Hey.」 Yandere「Do I know you?」
Info「I saw you stalking an upperclassman today.」 Yandere「Do you have a problem with that?」
Info「No. I wanted to give you some information about the girl he was with.」
Info「Her name is Osana Najimi.」
Info「She has a crush on him.」
Info「She believes in the myth about the cherry tree behind the school.」 Yandere「The myth that if you confess your love to someone underneath that tree on a Friday, they are guaranteed to accept your confession?」
Info「She's planning to confess to him next Friday.」 Yandere「Why are you telling me this?」
Info「I would be happy if something bad happened to Osana-chan.」
Info「I think you might be the right person that gives her what she deserves.」 Yandere「Who are you?」
Info「I'm the person nicknamed "Info-chan" at school.」 Yandere「I've heard rumors about you. You blackmail girls and sell panty shots to boys. Nobody knows your real name.」
Info「The rumors are true.」
Info「If you ever need a favor, text me a panty shot and I'll give you whatever support I can.」
Info「If want to know personal information about anyone at our school, just send me a photograph of their face, and I'll tell you everything I know about them.」 Yandere「You're disgusting.」
Info「You're a stalker.」
Info「If you want my help, text me. If you don't care, ignore me.」
Info「You have one week until your precious Senpai belongs to Osana-chan.」
Info「I hope you make her suffer.」
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