チェックリスト のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
タイトル画面の「Demo Checklist」から確認が出来る。
*Demo Checklist [#v780f270]
**Attack Elimination [#s8f28bdb]
「Kill Osana by directly attacking her with a weapon.」
**Befriend Elimination [#l562a961]
「Solve Osana's problem and then befriend her in your home.」
**Betray Elimination [#k26ee47f]
「Solve Osana's problem and then drug her tea in your home.」
**Bully Elimination [#w4451e93]
「Gossip about Osana to lower her reputation until she no longer attends school.」
**Burn Elimination [#cdf3c210]
「Use gasoline and a candle to set Osana on fire.」
**Crush Elimination [#x0e769ed]
「Drop a bucket full of heavy weights on Osana's head from above.」
**Drown Elimination [#p4ebf75d]
「Drown Osana in a toilet bowl or at the fountain in the school plaza.」
**Electrocute Elimination [#hfd346d4]
「Electrocute Osana using an electrified puddle of water.」
**Expel Elimination [#c6655eee]
「Get Osana expelled from school by framing her for breaking schoool rules.」
**Fan Elimination [#qd443dea]
「Shove Osana's head into the whirling fan blades of a ventilation unit.」
**Frame Elimination [#df4737be]
「Commit a murder and then trick Osana into putting her fingerprints on the murder wapon.」※waponは原文ママ、weaponの誤字
**Kidnap Elimination [#idd0b69a]
「Tranquilize Osana in the gym storage room and kidnap her.」
**Matchmake Elimination [#wbd7156b]
「Get Osana to fall for another boy other than Senpai.」
**Murder Suicide Elimination [#ea58b7e0]
「Command a mind-broken slave to kill Osana.」
**Poison Elimination [#h31843c4]
「Poison the food that Osana will eat for lunch.」
**Pool Elimination [#s7621b9f]
「Tie Osana's hair around a heavy weight and push it into the school pool.」
**Push Elimination [#u3d5a305]
「Push Osana off the school rooftop.」
**Reject Elimination [#nfd9cb48]
「Sabotage all of Osana's interactions with Senpai to make him reject her love confession.」
**Suicide Elimination [#g4bdfe08]
「Gossip about Osana to lower her reputation until she ends her own life.」
**Drive-To-Murder Elimination [#wab7f7c3]
「Drive a student to murder Osana,without kidnapping or mind-breaking.」
現在[[Horuda Puresu]]のみがこの排除に利用できる。
**Head Hunter [#b313dc73]
「Dismenber at least 10 students.」
**Panty Queen [#ib214026]
「Collect all 10 panties.」
**Rich girl [#q8c28d80]
「Amass over $1,000.」
**Weapon Master(削除?) [#z34af59b]
「Equip 20 Different types of weapons.」

|&attachref(./Attack Elimination.jpg,nolink,300x300,Attack Elimination);|&attachref(./Befriend.jpg,nolink,300x300,Befriend Elimination);|
|&size(16){Attack Elimination};|&size(16){Befriend Elimination};|
|'''"Kill Osana by directly attacking her with a weapon."'''&br;[[オサナを武器を使って直接排除する。>殺害]]|'''"Solve Osana's problem and then befriend her in your home."'''&br;[[オサナが抱えている問題を解決して家に招き、友達としてSenpaiを諦めてもらう。>[[友情/裏切り]]]]|
|&attachref(./Betray.jpg,nolink,300x300,Betray Elimination);|&attachref(./Bully.jpg,nolink,300x300,Bully Elimination);|
|&size(16){Betray Elimination};|&size(16){Bully Elimination};|
|'''"Solve Osana's problem and then drug her tea in your home."'''&br;[[オサナが抱えている問題を解決して家に招き、睡眠薬を飲ませて監禁する。>友情/裏切り]]|'''"Gossip about Osana to lower her reputation until she no longer attends school."'''&br;[[ゴシップによりオサナの評判を-100以下にし、不登校にする。>いじめ]]|
|&attachref(./Burn_2.jpg,nolink,300x300,Burn Elimination);|&attachref(./Crush.jpg,nolink,300x300,Crush Elimination);|
|&size(16){Burn Elimination};|&size(16){Crush Elimination};|
|'''"Use gasoline and a candle to set Osana on fire."'''&br;オサナにガソリンをかけ、蝋燭で燃やして排除する。|'''"Drop a bucket full of heavy weights on Osana's head from above."'''&br;オサナに屋上からダンベルを詰めたバケツを落とし排除する。|
|&attachref(./Drown.png,nolink,300x300,Drown Elimination);|&attachref(./Electrocute.png,nolink,300x300,Electrocute Elimination);|
|&size(16){Drown Elimination};|&size(16){Electrocute Elimination};|
|'''"Drown Osana in a toilet bowl or at the fountain in the school plaza."'''&br;オサナをトイレか噴水に誘導し、溺死させる。|'''"Electrocute Osana using an electrified puddle of water."'''&br;オサナを感電死させる。|
|&attachref(./Expel.jpg,nolink,300x300,Expel Elimination);|&attachref(./Fan.png,nolink,300x300,Fan Elimination);|
|&size(16){Expel Elimination};|&size(16){Fan Elimination};|
|'''"Get Osana expelled from school by framing her for breaking schoool rules."'''&br;[[オサナに罪をでっち上げてカウンセラーに報告し、退学に追い込む。>退学]]|'''"Shove Osana's head into the whirling fan blades of a ventilation unit."'''&br;[[オサナを手紙で屋上に呼び出し、室外機に髪を絡ませ排除する。>冤罪]]|
|&attachref(./Frame.jpg,nolink,300x300,Frame Elimination);|&attachref(./Kidnap.png,nolink,300x300,Kidnap Elimination);|
|&size(16){Frame Elimination};|&size(16){Kidnap Elimination};|
|'''"Commit a murder and then trick Osana into putting her fingerprints on the murder wapon.((waponは原文ママ、weaponの誤字))"'''&br;[[凶器にオサナの指紋を付けた状態で他の生徒を排除し、冤罪で逮捕させる。>冤罪]]|'''"Tranquilize Osana in the gym storage room and kidnap her."'''&br;[[睡眠薬でオサナを昏倒させ、誘拐する。>誘拐]]|
|&attachref(./Matchmake.jpg,nolink,300x300,Matchmake Elimination);|&attachref(./Murder.jpg,nolink,300x300,Murder Suicide Elimination);|
|&size(16){Matchmake Elimination};|&size(16){Murder Suicide Elimination};|
|'''"Get Osana to fall for another boy other than Senpai."'''&br;[[オサナをSenpai以外の男子生徒とくっつける。>マッチメイキング]]|'''"Command a mind-broken slave to kill Osana."'''&br;[[誘拐した生徒の正気度を0にし、学校に連れて行きオサナを排除させる。>誘拐]]|
|&attachref(./Poison.png,nolink,300x300,Poison Elimination);|&attachref(./Pool.jpg,nolink,300x300,Pool Elimination);|
|&size(16){Poison Elimination};|&size(16){Pool Elimination};|
|'''"Poison the food that Osana will eat for lunch."'''&br;[[致死毒をオサナの弁当に入れ排除する。>毒]]|'''"Tie Osana's hair around a heavy weight and push it into the school pool."'''&br;[[体育館の用具入れにある重りを使って、オサナをプールで溺死させる。>専用キル]]|
|&attachref(./Push.png,nolink,300x300,Push Elimination);|&attachref(./Reject.jpg,nolink,300x300,Reject Elimination);|
|&size(16){Push Elimination};|&size(16){Reject Elimination};|
|'''"Push Osana off the school rooftop."'''&br;オサナを屋上から突き落として排除する。|'''"Sabotage all of Osana's interactions with Senpai to make him reject her love confession."'''&br;[[オサナのSenpaiからの好感度を下げ失恋させる。>失恋]]|
|&attachref(./Suicide.png,nolink,300x300,Suicide Elimination);|&attachref(./Drive-To-Murder.png,nolink,300x300,Drive-To-Murder Elimination);|
|&size(16){Suicide Elimination};|&size(16){Drive-To-Murder Elimination};|
|'''"Gossip about Osana to lower her reputation until she ends her own life."'''&br;オサナの評判を-150以下にし、自殺させる。((不登校にしてからでは駄目な模様。一度に-150以下にするか、-90程度に留めて二日掛けて下げればOK。))|'''"Drive a student to murder Osana,without kidnapping or mind-breaking."'''&br;[[誘拐や洗脳を行わずに他の生徒にオサナを排除させる。>Horuda Puresu]]|
|&attachref(./Head.jpg,nolink,300x300,Head Hunter);|&attachref(./panty.jpg,nolink,300x300,Panty Queen);|
|&size(16){Head Hunter};|&size(16){Panty Queen};|
|'''"Dismenber at least 10 students."'''&br;10人以上の生徒の死体を解体する。|'''"Collect all 10 panties."'''&br;10種類のパンティーをすべて集める。|
|&attachref(./Rich girl.png,nolink,300x300,Rich girl);|&attachref(./WeaponMaster.jpg,nolink,300x300,Weapon Master);|
|&size(16){Rich girl};|&size(16){Weapon Master};|
|'''"Amass over $1,000."'''&br;1000ドル以上所持する。|'''"Equip 20 Different types of weapons."'''&br;20種類の武器を装備する。((同種の武器でも別カウントなので、例えば体育館にある6つのダンベルを装備すれば6種類装備したとカウントされる。))|
|&size(16){Alphabet Killer Challenge};|&size(16){Amai Challenge};|
|'''"Type "A B C D E F G" while in your room at home, and complete any difficulty level of the "Alphabet Killer Challenge.""'''&br;自室でABCDEFGとキー入力、「アルファベットキラーチャレンジ」を難易度問わず達成。|'''"Eliminate Osana, and then, on the subsequent week, eliminate Amai and dispose of her corpse without alarming anyone."'''&br;Osanaを排除した次の週、誰にも警戒されずにAmaiを排除し、死体を処分する。|
|&size(16){Dance Machine Minigame};|&size(16){Genocide Ending};|
|'''"Complete any song on the Dance Machine Minigame inside of the Anime and Gaming Club."'''&br;ゲーム部室内のダンスマシンで1曲クリアする。|'''"Achieve the "Genocide Ending" by killing everyone in school on the first day of the game."'''&br;学校初日に全員殺して「ジェノサイドエンド」達成。|
|&size(16){Headmaster Tapes};|&size(16){Journalist Tapes};|
|'''"Listen to all of the cassette tapes that the headmaster threw into a garbage can in his office."'''&br;校長がゴミ箱に捨てたカセットテープをすべて聴く。|'''"Listen to all of the "Mysterious Tapes" that have been scattered around the school."'''&br;校内に散らばっている「Mysterious Tape」をすべて聴く。|
|&size(16){Life Note Anime};|&size(16){Maid Cafe Minigame};|
|'''"Watch the "Life Note" anime episode that can be accessed inside of Ayano's room at home."'''&br;Ayanoの部屋で「ライフノート」のアニメを観る。|'''"Complete a shift at the Maid Cafe that is accessible by going to town at night."'''&br;夜の商店街でメイドカフェのバイトをクリアする。|
|&size(16){Mission Mode};|&size(16){Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki};|
|'''"Create a Mission Mode mission that has a difficulty level of "10" and complete the mission successfully."'''&br;ミッションモードで難易度が10のミッションを選んでクリア。|'''"Complete the Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki minigame that can be played on the video game console in Ayano's room at home."'''&br;Ayanoの自室のゲーム機で魔法少女プリティみゆきのミニゲームをクリア。|
|&size(16){Basement Tapes};|&size(16){Light Music Club Rhythm Minigame};|
|'''"Listen to all of the cassette tapes that can be found in Ayano's basement."'''&br;Ayanoの家の地下室にあるカセットテープをすべて聴く。|'''"Join the Light Music Club, speak to the club leader about "Practice," and complete the "Panther" rhythm minigame."'''&br;軽音部に入部後、部長に話しかけて「Practice」で「Panther」のリズムミニゲームをクリア。|
|&size(16){Selene2005};|&size(16){SNAP MODE};|
|'''"Have 5 conversations with Selene2005 by using Ayano's computer to access "Yancord" at night."'''&br;AyanoのPCから「Yancord」に入ってSelene2005と5回話す。|'''Get a "HEARTBROKEN" game over, access the "SNAP" command, and see SNAP Mode through to its completion.""'''&br;「HEARTBROKEN」のゲームオーバーで「SNAP」を選んで最期まで殺る。|
|&size(16){Yakuza};|&size(16){Yanvania:Senpai of the Night};|
|'''"A delinquent boy in 1980s Mode will ask you to beat up some hooligans. Complete his request, and then speak to the shady man in the alleyway in town."'''&br;1980年代モードの不良男子の1人((Togo Atatsumaのこと))の頼みでチンピラを撃退。そのあと商店街の脇道にいる怪しい男と話す。|'''"Recieve a copy of Yanvania from Pippi Osu, play it on the console in Ayano's home, and defeat Dracula-chan."'''&br;Pippi Osuから「Yanvania」を受け取って、\nAyanoのゲーム機でプレイ、ドラキュラちゃんを撃破。|
*コメント [#m141616f]

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