チェックリスト のバックアップ(No.2)
所謂実績リスト。 Demo Checklist
様々な恋敵の排除方法と、やりこみ要素がイラスト付きで並んでいる。計24項目。 Attack Elimination
「Kill Osana by directly attacking her with a weapon.」 Befriend Elimination
「Solve Osana's problem and then befriend her in your home.」 Betray Elimination
「Solve Osana's problem and then drug her tea in your home.」 Bully Elimination
「Gossip about Osana to lower her reputation until she no longer attends school.」 Burn Elimination
「Use gasoline and a candle to set Osana on fire.」 Crush Elimination
「Drop a bucket full of heavy weights on Osana's head from above.」 Drown Elimination
「Drown Osana in a toilet bowl or at the fountain in the school plaza.」 Electrocute Elimination
「Electrocute Osana using an electrified puddle of water.」 Expel Elimination
「Get Osana expelled from school by framing her for breaking schoool rules.」 Fan Elimination
「Shove Osana's head into the whirling fan blades of a ventilation unit.」 Frame Elimination
「Commit a murder and then trick Osana into putting her fingerprints on the murder wapon.」※waponは原文ママ、weaponの誤字 Kidnap Elimination
「Tranquilize Osana in the gym storage room and kidnap her.」 Matchmake Elimination
「Get Osana to fall for another boy other than Senpai.」 Murder Suicide Elimination
「Command a mind-broken slave to kill Osana.」 Poison Elimination
「Poison the food that Osana will eat for lunch.」 Pool Elimination
「Tie Osana's hair around a heavy weight and push it into the school pool.」 Push Elimination
「Push Osana off the school rooftop.」 Reject Elimination
「Sabotage all of Osana's interactions with Senpai to make him reject her love confession.」 Suicide Elimination
「Gossip about Osana to lower her reputation until she ends her own life.」 Drive-To-Murder Elimination(未実装)
「Drive a student to murder Osana,without kidnapping or mind-breaking.」 Head Hunter
「Dismenber at least 10 students.」 Panty Queen
「Collect all 10 panties.」 Rich girl
「Amass over $1,000.」 Weapon Master(削除?)
「Equip 20 Different types of weapons.」 コメント
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